Energy and Climate
Energy and Climate legislation in Wisconsin and at the Federal level
Climate change and energy policy are two of the biggest issues currently being debated at the federal level as Congress weighs pending climate change legislation and EPA begins drafting regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
In Wisconsin, climate change and energy continue to be some of the biggest policy issues facing the state. During the 2009-10 legislative session, the Wisconsin Legislature considered comprehensive climate change legislation, called the “Clean Energy Jobs Act” (AB 649/SB 450). The legislation ultimately failed to pass, however, many of these policies will likely be reintroduced as separate legislation future sessions. The Great Lakes Legal Foundation will closely monitor all future energy and climate change related legislation and rules.
In addition to Wisconsin legislation, the Great Lakes Legal Foundation monitors energy and climate change legislation and regulation at the federal level. Below are links to state and federal energy and climate change regulations and legislation:
- Resources on Carbon Regulations for Power Plants
- Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Title V Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule
- Fuel Economy and Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Cars and Light-Duty Trucks
- Fuel Economy and Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Trucks and Buses
- Clean Air Act Waiver to Increase Allowable Ethanol Content of Gasoline from 10% to 15%
- Federal Endangerment Finding and Cause of Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under the Clean Air Act
- California Greenhouse Gas Waiver Request
- Federal Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule
- Renewable Fuel Standard