Comments to WDNR/PSCW
On August 4, 2014 the WDNR and PSCW jointly drafted a set of questions that were sent out to a number of stakeholders. The purpose of the questions were to help facilitate a discussion and feedback on a number of issues related to EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan. The agencies are planning to utilize stakeholder responses in agency comments to the EPA.
Below are comments that were submitted:
American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity: 9/5/2014 American Transmission Company: 8/28/2014 Citizens Utility Board: 9/29/2014 Clean Wisconsin: 8/29/2014 Dairyland Power Cooperative: 9/5/2014 DTE Energy Resources: 7/8/2014 Clean WI, Midwest Env. Advocates, WI Community Action, WI Environment, WLCV, WWF: 8/29/2014 WMC, WPC, WIEG, MFPA, WCMA: 8/29/2014 IRC iSO/RTO Council Municipal Electric Utilities of Wisconsin: 8/29/2014 Madison Gas and Electric: 9/5/2014 Manitoba Hydro: 8/29/2014 Renew Wisconsin: 9/17/2014 Wisconsin Citizens Climate Lobby We Energies: 9/5/2014 Wisconsin Energy Corporation Wisconsin Power and Light Company: 9/10/2014 WPPI Energy Wisconsin Public Service: 9/5/2014 Wisconsin Utilities Joint Response: 9/5/2014